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Exfoliante facial

SKU: 0003
  • Original: Distilled Water, Borax, Castile Soap, Isopropyl Alcohol, Peppermint Essential Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil


    Citrus Blend: Distilled Water, Borax, Castile Soap, Isopropyl Alcohol, Citrus Blend Essential Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil

  • Empty contents of pouch into a clean unused spray bottle. Add 20 oz of clean water. Gently rock bottle back and forth to mix. DO NOT SHAKE vigorously. Use on non-porous surfaces as you would any other all-purpose spray.


    Because these pouches are compostable and biodegradable, it is not recommended you store these pouches long term (more than 30 days). If you purchase multiple pouches to store, we recommend you empty them into a glass airtight jar like a mason jar. Remember to label the jar to prevent any accidental ingestion of the cleaner. 

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